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Who Am I?

What? You want to learn more about me?

Charmed, truly.


I’m Connor, but most people call me CJ.

Q. Didn’t ask, but okay. How long have you been writing words for a living?

I’ve been writing words ever since I decided to pick up a crayon and go bananas at my garden wall.

Q. Got anything to prove you can actually write?

Uh, I have a Masters in English Lit and Creative Writing? I also had a brief stint in teaching English. But then I decided that I wanted more words and landed in a job as junior copywriter for a digital marketing agency.

Q. Mmmm. What kind of stuff do you write?

Well, I’ve been a copywriter for almost a decade now… and I genuinely think I’ve written for every industry under the sun.

Q. And you like doing that?

Yeah, I love research and learning – even about stuff I might initially not be that interested in.

Q. Give me an example.


Q. ….Please.

Alright, so, take pest control, for example. Writing about bird wire and rodent deterrents? Damn right I’m keen. Sign me up, that knowledge is useful in Brighton.

Medical? Sure, I could perform a rhinoplasty tomorrow in my garden with some cotton buds, a metre of crafting string and a can-do attitude.

Marketing? Hell I could probably give Neil Patel a run for his money with the number of marketing blogs and landing pages I’ve written.

Q. What’s your point?

My point is, I know how to winkle-pick my way into topics and fields to create copy that reads like I actually know what I’m talking about.

Whether it’s a strapline, landing page, newsletter or a wedding invitation, I’m always looking for what triggers that ‘Yeah, alright, I’m in’ reaction.

Q. Is writing all you do? Sounds lonely.

No, I do other stuff. When I’m not writing, I spend most of my time boxing, running, playing D&D and throwing my screenplays at producers. I think all of the above keeps my brain in a constant state of controlled chaos – which is important in the world of copy and content creation.

Q. So, hold on, you still write for fun?

Yes. Would ‘kinda suck if I didn’t enjoy writing and my job was… writing.

Q. What’s your favourite cereal?

Weetabix. Chocolate Shreddies if I’m feeling wild.

Q. Okay fine, you can go now.


Q. Wait.

What now.

Q. Why should people choose you over another copywriter?

Uh, I play nicely with others? I ‘dunno, the copywriting community is actually really supportive and collaborative. We’re all on the same team here. It just comes down to personal preference and levels of experience I guess.

Q. Okay.

Are we done?

Q. Yes.

Okay, thanks.

Q. …Can I work with you?

Sure! Click the button below and tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll get back to you post-Weetabix consumption.

Q. …Okay cool.

It’s down here.

Q. Yeah I can see it.

Okay, good.

There’s also a contact form if you’d prefer tha-

Q. Yeah, I can see that too.

Okay, cool.

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